The Society has been running monthly online competitions since August 2020 as an alternative means of maintaining contact with members during the Covid restrictions. So far 509 competitions have been run with over 975 entries from both members and visitors. Prizes will be awarded for First, Second and Third places. All members and non-members are invited to join in.

There is a change of topic for the July competition. It has been agreed that July is too late for most Roses so the competition theme has been changed. The competition for July is “A display in a container“. Entrants are invited to submit a photo of any display in a container from their own garden taken this month. Entries could be flowers, vegetables, foliage or any other item in a pot, hanging basket, tray or any other container. Members can be as creative as they like within the theme. Closing date for submitting photos is 4.00pm Sunday 28th July.

Send your photo to the email address shown below:

June Winners “My Favourite Flower”

First Prize
Christine Prottey
Second Prize
Lizzie Wassall
Third Prize
Liz Raby

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