We are an active society promoting a range of different activities for everyone interested in gardening. We host monthly talks provided by gardening experts. Details of talks for 2024 and 2025 are under the Programme page. Details of any visits arranged can be found under Society Trips .

ONLINE COMPETITION The winners of the June competition have now been notified and entries are invited for the July competition. All details on the ONLINE COMPETITION page.

Our last meeting was at Beckminster Church Hall on Wednesday 10th July. This meeting was a social evening where members swopped plants, entered a quiz and completed questionnnaires on the future direction of the Society. There were also interesting and varied short talks from three of our committee members, especially Jenny Tinsley’s huge collection of plants gathered from their new garden this week.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 14th August at Beckminster Church Hall. Jeff Bates will be giving a talk on “Clematis and Other Climbers“.

Further details on the Programme page.

The Society have organised a visit to our previous speaker’s nursery, Jack Wilgoss, Jack’s Garden and Nursery at Wildegoose Nursery on 31st July. Further details on the Visits page.

The Society is affiliated to the Tender Shoots Garden Network. New talks will be announced soon.

Details of all talks will be shown on the Tender Shoots page.

Sad News: The Society has learnt this month that not one, but two, of our past chairs have passed away. John Turner was chairman for a number of years and was still assisting the Show committee until last year. He had been poorly for some time and unable to attend meetings for the last few months. His predecessor as Chair, Diane Cook, has also passed away in the last week. Both were active members of the Society in the past and served various positions on the committee. Neither had been well enough to attend meetings for some time but their contributions in years gone by have done much to promote and secure the future of the Society.

Summer is progressing

This is often one of the hottest months of the year and a great time to sit out and enjoy your garden. Keep plants looking good by regularly deadheading, and you’ll enjoy a longer display of blooms. Make sure you keep new plants watered, using grey water where possible.

. ….. The Royal Horticultural Society and BBC Gardeners World websites give reminders of jobs that need doing this month.

New members and visitor are always welcome. Talks are free to members and £4 to non members. Membership details are on the Membership page along with details of member discounts available at local retailers/nurseries. A map showing how to find us at Beckminster Church Hall and meeting times are shown on the Find us pages.

Get in touch today!

For all general enquiries, Telephone: Caroline 01902 713970 or email: wolverhamptonhortsoc@gmail.com

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